
Note: This functionality is experimental.

(TODO put the log-appender jar in Artifactory)

To use the Metrics class described below, add the log-appender jar to your project.

Pulse comes with some utility methods for writing out metrics (such as performance metrics or profiling) to your log files. These metrics can then be used in an Alert rule or graphed in a visualization tool.

Metrics are added to the MDC (Mapped Diagnostic Context) for a single log message.

Each metric is tagged with a name. The name of the metric is the name of the field in Solr. If the field is not pre-created in Solr a dynamic field can be used to create a metric of the right data type by appending a suffix to the tag:

_s: String _i: Integer _l: Long _f: Float _d: Double (no suffix) : String

For example, a Long type metric can be added using the Metrics helper class like

The Metrics class needs to know about your specific logger because if it created one itself then all the line numbers and info would be for the Metrics class, which would be misleading.

Before using the metrics class, define your logger as an implicit value so it will be automatically passed into the Metrics functions.

private implicit val log: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)

Then you can create a metric:

Metrics.gauge("my_metric_l", 1L)

If you do not define your logger implicitly, you can just pass it into the Metrics function:

val log: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
Metrics.gauge("my_metric_l", 1L)(log)

There is also a helper function for profiling function run times. This will write the tag 'timed_function_l' with the value of the runtime of the function.:

val result = Metrics.time("timed_function_l") {