Log Appenders

Log4j 1.x appenders

The log4j 1.x http appender will send a post message to the log-collector process with the contents of your log message. The appender will batch messages into groups of 1000 records and will flush when a group is available, 1 second has passed. The appender will always flush all messages as soon as an ERROR level message is logged.

Special Handling

  • MDC: Fields stored in the MDC (or Mapped Diagnostic Context) will be added as a top level searchable field.
  • Message Properties: Fields found in the message properties will be added as a top level searchable field.
  • NDC: The NDC (or Nested Diagnostic Context) is currently ignored

Example log4j configuration

Here is an example log4j configuration file:

log4j.rootLogger=info, stdout, http
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p [%t] (%F:%L) - %m%n

# Info messages will cause the http client to recursively call the logger 
# when the connection to the log-collector is not available

It's recommended (for now) that the logs be written to file in addition to Pulse through the http appender. This appender currently doesn't currently make any availability guarantees.

Example usage:

$ java -cp my-jar.jar:log-appender-{version}.jar -Dlog4j.configuration=file:log4j.properties com.my.main.class

(Assuming the above log4j example is named log4j.properties)

When initially configuring the logger, it can be helpful to put log4j in debug mode by adding -D log4j.debug=true to your java command string.

Configuration for Standalone Application

Add log-appender-{version}.jar to your classpath

Installation for use with Spark

To install the log4j appender for use with Apache Spark, the log-appender-{version}.jar needs to be added to the classpath in spark-env.sh

To modify the classpath in Cloudera, add this line to the spark-env.sh safety valve and redeploy client configuration:

export SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH="$SPARK_DIST_CLASSPATH:/opt/cloudera/parcels/PULSE/lib/appenders/*"