Collection Roller

The log collector manages log indexes for applications. An application for the log collector consists of:

  • timestamped collections in the format _. The 'timestamped' collections hold the actual log data.
  • an alias pointing to the newest timestamped collection called _latest. The 'latest' alias is used for any applications writing logs (like the Log Collector)
  • an alias pointing to all collections called _all. The 'all' alias is used for searching all collections


If an application does not exist in Pulse the log collector will create the required aliases and indexes. Logs are kept for a limited amount of time (weeks or months). Logs for individual applications will actually be multiple collections, each covering a time period.


After an application has been created, the collection roller will create new collections for each day and delete collections older than the configured numCollections hold limit.


A Collection Roller configuration file is written in yaml and will look like:

solrConfigSetDir: /etc/pulse-logging/solr-configs/ # directory containing one or many solr instancedir configs to be uploaded. The name of the config when uploaded to solr will be the name of the directory
# Config using all defaults
- name: pulse-test-default
  solrConfigSetName: pulseconfigv2
# Config using options
- name: pulse-test-options
  numCollections: 7 # (optional) number of collections to keep at any given time. Defaults to 7
  shards: 1 # (optional) solr collection shards, defaults to 1
  replicas: 1 # (optional) number of solr config replicas. Defaults to 1
  rollPeriod: 1 # (optional) number of days before the collection is rolled
  solrConfigSetName: pulseconfigv2 # name of solr config to use for the collections

At minimum, the configuration needs:

  • solrConfigSetDir: These Solr configurations can contain customized schema.xml and solrconfig.xml. The solrConfigSetDir can contain multiple configurations. The configurations will be looped over and uploaded to solr each time the Collection Roller runs.
  • applications: A list of applications
  • The applications must contain at minimum: name and solrConfigSetName. name must be unique. solrConfigSetName must correspond to the name of a solr config directory in solrConfigSetDir

Optional configuration for applications:

  • numCollections: The number of collections to keep when rolling collections. The default is 7
  • rollPeriod: Rollperiod in days. Default is 1.
  • shards: Number of shards for each collection. Default is 1.
  • replicas: Number of replicas in each collection. Default is 1.

This configuration file is passes as a CLI argument along with a list of zookeeper hosts.

Running the Collection Roller

A helper script to run the collection roller (mostly used for development) is here bin/collection-roller

To run the collection roller from the command line looks like

$ java -DXmx=2147483648 \
    -Dlogback.configurationFile=logback.xml \ \ \
    -cp <path-to-collection-roller-assembly> io.phdata.pulse.collectionroller.CollectionRollerMain \
    --daemonize \
    --conf collection-roller.yml \